Proverbs 11:11
Upright citizens bless a city and make it prosper, but he talk of the wicked tears it down. Proverbs 11:11 I don’t know if we think about blessing our city near enough. I’m enamored with it. And to be honest I used to be the opposite. I was the guy who always griped about what the city wasn’t doing and how there wasn’t anything fun to do in the city and when I grow up I’m not living here. That was me. But it is funny how time, perspective, and scripture can help to change a man. A pastor at a conference I attended recently said we need to be critics less and students more. It’s easy to criticize things we don’t like or agree with, but it’s not really a fair criticism until we know the subject. When it comes to our city, we need to become students of it. Do you know our city council? Do you know our mayor? Do you know the Parks and Rec director? Have you listened to their ideas for what the future could hold? ...