Plans Change

So this is going to be a bit informational.  The last half of 2011 we started working with a church called The Shift in Albany, OR.  This is the church that Neal McKinney, one of the founding pastors from Lifepoint, moved to plant a church with Brad Duncan.  These names may not mean a whole lot to you, but I'm getting to the point.

We began talking about Neal moving down to Eugene and pastoring the plant that the Crash would be partnering with here in Eugene.  As some of you know, Neal's youngest son Knox has major heart issues and at this point is having to look at the possibility of a heart transplant.  Needless to say, Eugene is not part of the equation and rightfully so.  The McKinney's are now fighting for their son and doing all they can to be good parents and protectors of their kids.  I'm so proud of how they have handled all this.

Where does that leave the Crash.  To be honest, I'm not sure.  We are all still minstering here in Eugene in amazing ways and are building great relationships, but the church planting path is rocky.  This last Friday me and Audrey went to see the movie We Bought A Zoo.  It was great and what it made me ask myself was, "what is the adventure that my family is a part of?"

I think our lives and those of our families are amazing stories that God writes.  God writes amazing stories, just read the Bible.  I don't believe family life should ever become mundane, but we should constantly let our whole family be involved in the adventure that is following God.  So I started asking about what are the adventures we are a part of.  Here's what I came up with:

1.  My family is called to grow into the Crash.  We are going to train young men and women to support church planters and be a part of church plants in unchurched areas.  This could take us anywhere.  I can't wait.

2.  My family is called to combat the homeless issues in Eugene.  There are 4,000 homeless here.  I believe my family, with God's help and guidance, can be a part of changing that.  God made me the chaplain to the homeless in Eugene.  Wow.

3.  My family is called to minister to the Washburne district in which we live.  We will throw cook outs and parties and perhaps parades to love the neighborhood around us.  They are great and all so different.  It's sure to be a blast.

4.  My family will help churches grow.  When God is ready for a plant to happen here in Eugene we will be ready to love a community around it.

5.  My family will do missions with our life.  Building houses and churches across the world.  I can't wait to take the girls to Mexico.  Hopefully someday soon.

This is what I feel like the adventure is right now.  Knowing that plans change.

I want to end by saying pray for Knox.  His dad is an amazing man who is serving God with all his heart.  The next months and years will be tough and though I am confident God will provide all he needs I understand that all of us may be a part of that.  Neal is a church planter and has been ministering most all of his adult life.  This was not part of the plan for him, but I am confident that God knows the adventure he has for this family and as they walk through it they are an encouragement to us all.  Plans Change.  God is good.


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