Day 3034

Audrey and I have been married for 3034 days yesterday.  It's been a great adventure.  Thought I would catalog days from time to time.  Here are the highlights.

I got up a little later than planned and took up some of the shower time that December needed to get ready for school.  Somehow I feel that it is inevitable for to be shoved out to the little bathroom by the garage.  The girls have began their takeover.  I then had to leave in a rush and left Audrey in a decent position, if you don't count December out of shower with shampoo stuck in her hair, Journey screaming, and Harlow eating anything and everything off the floor. 

I got to work at the Eugene Mission which is an amazing place to work.  I get to be a missionary to hundreds everyday.  It started raining as I pulled in, but decided to take the guys for a morning run in the run.  We have 18 men who are participating in what we call the Life Change Program.  This means they are committed to stay here for a year and go through biblical and life training.  When it's over we hope they are secure in their relationship with God, part of a church, have a mentor, find a place to live, and are maintaining a steady job. 

I spent time with our lead team as we keep developing what all this process looks like.  I decided we are going to mount a whiteboard to the wall so we can dream in color.  Oh yeah.

For lunch I met with my friend Aaron and Kevin.  We are working on a program to help feed kids during breaks who are in the poverty range.  It's an organization called Growing Healthy Community and I am very excited about the potential here.  So I find myself on the board helping develop.  Here in Eugene the poverty is bad and this is a real opportunity to make sure kids eat good food while out of school.

At 2 we had our men's staff meeting at the Mission.   We do staff reviews where we talk to folks who have been asked to leave and see if the Mission is going to be a safe place for them/with them here.  We talked to 2 guys and they both were allowed in.  It never stops breaking my heart seeing men struggling from addiction and hopelessness.  I feel so bad that they haven't found the peace, the rest that can only come from God. 

I left work and picked up December from home and took here to dance.  I dropped her off and went for a walk downtown.  I love walking around the city God has drawn me too and just praying.  It is a beautiful city and I know God has plans for it.  At the end of dance December put on butterfly wings to dance around.  She was so excited. 

Then that night Audrey and I went to the PTO meeting for Howard Elementary.  I was one of 2 men there.  But I can't help it that these type groups get me so excited.  I love sitting around with a bunch of people and dreaming about what could be and what should be.  My wife warned me about talking too much before we went in, so I did my best.  I'm really excited about using what gifting God has given me and investing in the school my daughter is a part of. 

2 Things that stuck out today.
1. "What's better: Bush or a Dayroom"  Said as we were deciding about men reentering the Mission.  Ultimately we can show them some love in the dayroom.
2. Nehemiah 3.  The list of people who worked on the wall.  So many different people from different backgrounds who were part of something so much bigger than themselves.  Inspiring.  Also, there is a guy in there who builds his section with his daughters.  God's little wink to me today.


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