Psalms 20
I got to read this with some friends this morning and one verse absolutely rocked me. It was verse 7.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord
our God.
Chariots and horses were measuring sticks for influence and power of a king. So I asked myself what are the current tools for this. Our chariots look more like relationships, money, status, and jobs. Our hoses look like talents, toys, ministries, and events.
The premise is still clear. If our trust is in any of that stuff then we are misguided. It will ultimately fail and it is smoke and mirrors in our life. We can puff our chest out about what we own or who we know, but God is in control.
Today I want to trust in God. Can I serve at a Homeless Mission housing 400 people. Only if I trust in God. Can I help missionaries get set up in different cities. Only if I trust in God. Can I raise kids. Only if I trust in God. Can I be involved in church plants. Only if I trust in God.
What ever desires God has placed in you can come to fruition by trusting in Him.
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