Marriage Letters on Serving Together

 Join me and my wife, Audrey along with Amber @ The Run a Muck, as we write our marriage letters to shine light on the joy and truth of marriage, along with the struggles.  Marriage is worth fighting for.

So.  We've been serving together longer than we've been married.  Honestly, I think it is one of the most awesome parts of our journey together and at times very frustrating.  I want to be involved in everything you are doing and sometimes try to take control of things you are already handling beautifully.  I'm a brute.  But let me focus on the amazing parts of our ministry together.

We did youth ministry together for 5 years.  I led the guys and you led the girls and it was great.  I never doubted you ability to jump in and lead.  And when we struggled with church decisions, you always had my back.  This is something that has become crucial for me.  I know you are always backing me up in ministry and even if I'm questioning myself you are there to help me press forward.  When I felt like God was calling me step out of youth ministry, without a job lined up, you said okay.

When we started to talk about planting a church you seemed to be as excited as I was and you threw in helping in every way possible.  It was new and fresh for us and it seemed like out married life was part of a grand adventure.  Then the adventure expanded when Deci came along.  For the first time it seemed like you were not as available for ministry.  But I came to understand God had given us an amazing ministry with out daughter.  We still served together in the church, led community groups, and had youth small groups at the house, but our most amazing ministry was getting to raise our daughter together.

One of my favorite memories is when we took Deci to Mexico.  It felt amazing for us to be there serving as a family.

This last year we decided to hit the reset button one more time and with our four month old second daughter Journey newly added to the crew, we took off for Eugene, Oregon.  And here we are serving once again.  In a new area with new people and new challenges.  But I'm confident in what Christ has led us to do and feel humbled, honored, and secure knowing you are right beside me.  I love you much.



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