Lessons from the Mission
So this last week at the Eugene Mission we hit our highest number of guest ever. 466 people stayed on the campus. This was partly due to weather, the economy, and the transient population beginning to move. I though I would share some of the lessons God is teaching me from this job. 1. Patience is key. One of the guys I've been working with most finds himself falling off the wagon again. My first inclination is to wipe the dust off my feet and move on, but the sincere brokenness of his heart moves me to continue serving. This is nothing great on my part. Jesus did this for me. Especially when I was broken. 2. People are people. One of the guys I met at the mission now has his own place. He also comes over to the house and eats and plays games. He is part of the Beautiful Mess and is a partner in prayer. Never discount someone's value. Just because their current circumstances ...