Almost a Year

One month away from having spent our first year here in Eugene, Oregon.  Wow.  God has done amazing things in us and through us.  To be honest, there was some expectation of things happening really quick, but as always God is writing our story.  At this point our team is working with homeless people throughout Eugene and we see many of them coming to know who Jesus is and beginning to follow him in their lives.  This Sunday we will be going to church with a van load of guys who have no homes, but have Christ as their future.

The church planting portion of it is coming along as well.  Right now we are talking with a group that is wanting to start meeting downtown, a group that gets together and prays regularly, a church staff who would like to partner with us downtown, the Shift who is always supporting us in anticipation of the gospel being presented in Eugene, and individuals who are seeking a place to make a difference.  This is a very amazing time with many people interested in something happening downtown.  I want to make sure to hear God and discern our part and our leadership in the process.  Many days I feel overwhelmed, but I know God is at work.  He is amazing and he will bring glory to himself.


  1. Don't get to see you guys as much as I would like, but you are in my prayers. Praise God for the work He is doing through you.


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